Links in DiVA, to the result list and individual records
Never use the link in the browser address bar. The URL works for some time but as soon as DiVA is reindexed, the link will no longer work.
Link to result list
A search in DiVA displays the result as a list of entries. In DiVA, it is possible to link directly to the search result of a specific query and thus save the query and use the link to show, for example, all of an institution's publications for a specific year. When the result list appears, click on the link Link to result list:
A stable link appears in the box (in this example all Doctoral theses (comprehensive summary) published in 2015):
The link can be edited by changing for example publication year, without having to redo the entire search procedure. Edit the link in for example Notepad or Word. It is possible to do more extensive editing of the link by using the "Paste link" in DiVA's Create feeds form.
Link to an individual record
The link to the record is located in the same place as the link to the result list:
There are two links to each record in DiVA. The top is the permanent link (that goes through a resolver at the Royal Library). We recommend using the permanent link as the link to an individual diva-record. The Direct link goes directly to the DiVA-record and do not have the same stability in the long term, for example, in the case of a database relocation, as the permanent link have.