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Advanced search

Advanced search in DiVA is divided into one tab for ‘Research publications’ and one for ‘Student theses’.

Advanced search is also divided into two parts. This makes it possible to combine two (or more) different searches in a single list of search results, while it is also flexible in terms of which hits can be excluded from the list.

Below, we explain the various parts of the search form and give examples of how searches can be carried out.


In every search block, AND is included between the fields it contains. For example, there is an AND between the field for language and the field for publication type.

Using the search blocks, it is possible to search in several different publication types that contain various fields.

For example, items with the ‘published’ status and reports lacking the ‘status’ field can be searched at the same time. Searching in one block gives only hits in published articles but no reports, since ‘report’ AND ‘published’ is not a possible combination.

You should therefor use two search blocks. Select ‘article’ as the publication type and ‘published’ as the status in the first block. Then add a new block by clicking on the OR button. Choose ‘report’ as the publication type in the new block. The results will then consist of published articles plus reports.

The majority of the search fields in DiVA are free-text fields.

A few examples of how free-text searches can be combined to limit or extend the search are given below.

Free text

Searching in the free-text field means that DiVA searches the whole publication record. With a truncation, "*", as in the example below, "medi*" will give search results that contain words like "medical", "medication", "medicine" etc.

The free-text search can be combined with more advanced searches. You can choose the search fields from the drop-down menu.

In the example below, the keyword field has been added as an AND field. DiVA will show all publication records where the text "medi*" may be found, while the keyword "ecology" also is registered in the record.


Select "Title" in the drop-down menu. The search takes place in the title field only. The Boolean operators (AND, OR, NOT) can be used in the title field. It is also possible to truncate words ("musc*" AND "training").

Publication ID

In the advanced search interface of the drop-down menu, there are several items ending with "ID" or otherwise specifying an ID. All ID designations are intended to clarify the fact that there are unique items for a specific search. A publication ID is unique to the specific publication or the publication item in DiVA. The ID fields that are searchable in DiVA by using "publication ID" are:

  • DOI
  • Scopus
  • WoS (ISI)
  • PubMed
  • ISRN
  • PID (diva2)
  • ISBN


This free-text field searches in the fields of "Author", "Editor" and "Other contributor".
Note that a specific person is not identifiable with this search. Instead, as in the sample below, it is a search for all the Anna Andersson (i.e. who have Anna as their forename and Andersson as their surname) in DiVA. The search takes place in the fields for forename and surname in the roles stated above. Use other fields and/or facets in the left margin of the result list to restrict the search further.

Personal ID

A local user ID or ORCID ID may be used. Search for the identifier in records where the person is an "Author", "Editor" or "Other contributor".


When the author’s name is filled in, names found in DiVA are suggested. If you enter more than one name, OR is inserted between the search terms.

In the example below, the search is for "Author" in the upper field where the person concerned is a co-author with one of the authors in the lower author field.

Author ID

A local user ID or ORCID ID may be used. In the example below, the Boolean operator "OR" is used to retrieve all publication items connected with these IDs in the author field.
Using the operator "AND" instead in the example below gives hits for the publications and/or records that simultaneously contain these IDs in the author field.


A free-text search in the "Organisation" makes it possible to retrieve records with authors that are not connected to any DiVA organisation.


The International Standard Serial Number (http://www.issn.org/) can be searched for, with or without hyphen in the search panel.


The International Standard Book Number (ISBN) is a unique identifier for monographic publications (books). Again, the search can be done with or without hyphens.

Public defence date

It is possible to retrieve a doctoral thesis (monograph or comprehensive summary) by searching for the public defence date. In cases where information is available about the presentation date for a licentiate thesis, these items too will be included in the list of hits.


Digital Object Identifier (DOI) is a unique ID for a publication. The search example below shows how this ID should be written to give hits in DiVA.

Inserting "http://dx.doi.org/" before the DOI makes it possible to turn the DOI into a URL. The direct link to the article is written like this: http://dx.doi.org/10.1364/OE.18.000117.

Scopus ID

Scopus is a bibliographic database that contains references and abstracts from academic publications.
In cases where a DiVA record contains a Scopus ID, the item can be retrieved by using the Scopus ID search field. The image below shows how the ID search can be carried out. No prefix to the number should be entered.

Controlled searches are done in the fields that have underlying authorised lists or given search parameters. In DiVA there are several fields of this kind, and some examples of fields of this type are given below:

Organisation ID

The search is based on IDs and consists of a list of options that are searchable by means of an autofill function.

The organisation field is also searchable as a hierarchic list by using "Browse".

Category ID (Browse)

This is based on the ‘Standard for Swedish Classification of Research Subjects, 2011’ (Standard för svensk indelning av forskningsämnen 2011, Statistics Sweden and Swedish National Agency for Higher Education). The list of subject categories is searchable either in the field with the autofill function or with the browse function, which displays the subject areas in a hierarchic list.


The "Funder” field suggests funders based on what is written into the field (with autofill). The list of research funders is updated continuously.


The search field is of the autofill type. The list of journals is updated continuously.

Publication type

Search by "Publication type" by defining (marking) the types of publication you want.


Some publication types in DiVA have subcategories. Choosing "Subcategory” in the scroll list under the free-text field makes it possible to search these separately.
"Meeting abstract", "News item", "Editorial material" and "Letter" are subcategories of the "Article in journal" publication type.
"Published paper", "Poster", "Oral presentation only" and "Oral presentation with published abstract" are subcategories of the "Conference paper" publication type.
Policy document" and "Exhibition Catalogue" are subcategories of the "Other" publication type.

Research subject

"Research subject" is a search field for subjects on which disputations are allowed at Uppsala University.


The various status categories refer to where the publication is in the publication process. Doctoral and licentiate theses have no status categories.


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