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Various search methods
There are different options for performing a search in DiVA. The right choice depends on what you are looking for.
- Simple search
As search terms, use any word(s) you like. When you write a series of words in succession they are automatically combined with AND. This means that all the search terms will be found in every search result (‘hit’) shown in the list. You can search for the author’s name, one or more words in the title or subject words, for example. - Advanced search
To search for a research publication or student thesis by a particular person or from a specific department or unit, use DiVA’s tabs ‘Advanced search, research publications’ (Avancerade sökning forskningspublikationer) or ‘Advanced search, student theses’ (Avancerad sökning studentuppsatser) - Browse
Here, you can search by organisation, series or subject category in an index.
Search results
The list of hits shows only brief facts about publications. Click on the title to see the complete information about a publication.
Sort the list of hits by choosing parameters in the ‘Sorting’ dropdown menu.
The search results can be limited by means of the facets in the left margin.